Date Night

This past Wednesday night my husband and I got a date night.

We haven’t had an official date night for a long time. And I have to give it to my husband that this one was probably a bit awkward but I am so glad he took me to it.

We got last minute tickets to see the Pump and Dump Comedy Tour at the Irvine Improv. It was a sold out event. It is a night of laughs from mothers of all kinds. And it proved to be just that.

I met my husband down at Irvine Spectrum after feeding our son and getting him set up with his babysitter. My son loved our babysitter and he even went to sleep for her. I am sure we will be using her again.

Once seated inside the Improv, we ordered drinks and our food. It was fun just talking and sitting there before the show. But it was a show with only three males in the entire room of over 500 ladies. So I applaud my husband for going with me.

The show is by two mothers from Colorado. One has written songs, they have jokes, stories, and audience participation. Whatever type of mother you are you will laugh. They do use crude language at times but it was over offensive. And both my husband and I got some good belly laughs.

They only have two more shows for this year but I would highly recommend going to their website and checking out when they announce their tour dates for next year. Any mother will enjoy a night out with friends while laughing.


Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

I do believe every new mother is told to sleep when the baby sleeps. When does that stop? And what does that really mean?

I have had acquaintances and friends that are new mothers that have mentioned that was worthless advice. I have to say from my perspective it is one of the best advices from experienced mothers but it can be the hardest advice to implement.

I also recently read an article that talked about sleep and new mothers. Its titled was “We are torturing new mothers and then wonder why they get mentally ill“. It brought up some interesting points but I don’t agree completely with its conclusion. And it even touches on the “sleep when baby sleeps”.

The article states:

“In the West, mums are not made to rest. They are expected to go on as normal, with the washing, the school run, losing baby weight, going shopping and so on. Mums are told “sleep when baby sleeps”. However, this simply is not good enough. Because mum needs to eat, and she needs to shower, and she needs to get dressed sometimes, and she needs to go to see the health visitor and have baby weighed, and baby might only sleep for 20 minutes at a time. Then, when dad goes back to work, it gets even more chronic, because she offers to do the night feeds so that he can get up and work the next day.”

I find this paragraph interesting. Because, yes, a society can encourage a new mom to do the chores, clean the house, lose the baby weight, and everything else but in the long run it is the individual that has to realize what is important. If a new mom isn’t willing to actually stop and sleep it doesn’t matter what society does.

The article ended with:

“Proper paternity leave, decent postnatal wards with midwives who have time to care, regular home visits, continuity of care. Change needs to happen in attitudes as well. We need to start telling other people how important it is, to look after mum. Encourage partners to “put mum to sleep”. Tuck her up in bed with a chamomile tea (or a G and T) and tell her to stay there. Turn the lights off for her, bring her an extra pillow, tell visitors to go away because she is sleeping, bring the baby to her when he or she needs a feed. The cost of not doing so, could be her mental health.”

It is a good conclusion except that I don’t believe that our healthcare or society should be the one taking care of the home visits and providing the care but it should be the family and friends.

I was very blessed to have my mother arrive right before my son’s birth and therefore our ratio to my son for the first week and a half was 3 adults to 1 baby. I got to go straight from the birth center home just hours after his birth and rest in my own bed for about five hours. And after that my mom took care of everything, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and me. At nights we took shifts if my son wasn’t asleep so I could sleep more.

I didn’t realize how important that was until I was waiting for a lactation consultant right next to my birth center and one of my midwives walked in and was very surprised at how rested I looked. I was less then a week postpartum. I was still tired but didn’t look like death warmed over.

I do credit the first weeks of sleep to having a great support system in both grandparents and then in my community for bringing meals so I didn’t have to cook. I got in the habit of sleeping during the day when my son slept because my mother sent me to bed.

Then once we were on our own (just my husband and me with our son). I choice to start my night time sleep at 7pm. My husband was shocked and thought it was silly until he realized how much it helped me gain the sleep I needed. He also tried so hard to keep my son happy for more then an hour because my young son was a cluster feeder at night. So I would feed him at 6:30pm, 8pm, 9pm and then usually 10pm before he would settle into 3-4 hours stretches. My night would begin at 7pm and go until 9am. That sounds extreme but it was what got me through the first few months of newborn.

I actually took the full advice of “sleep when the baby sleeps” up until even now as my son is 10 months old. We had a really rough night over the weekend where I only got 5 hours of sleep and was fighting a cold. Then next night my son went down at 6pm and I went to bed at 8pm and we both slept until 7:30am with two wake ups. It is amazing how I felt the next day.

I will let you know to fully accept the advice I had to let go of a lot of things. I didn’t keep my house cleaned. I didn’t cook fancy meals. I didn’t lose my “baby weight” super fast. I didn’t get my to do lists done. My husband helped with the grocery shopping quite a bit. I didn’t go shopping much at all. I choose to sleep and sometimes just rest holding my son during the day. It was a huge mental challenge because I knew I should/could be doing so much more but my son and myself was the most important.

And one other note that saved me from having too much sleep deprivation. I asked for help and wasn’t afraid to. In those first few weeks it meant waking either my husband or my mom to get up to watch my son so I could sleep. It meant when I was on a trip with family a five weeks postpartum and I was at a lost what to do with my son and was exhausted asking my mom or sister to help. It meants reaching out to friends when I moved with a six week old and couldn’t do all the unpacking, nursing, and sleeping. It meant asking my husband to fully take care of my son while I recovered from gallbladder surgery at 9 weeks postpartum. He brought him in to feed and put him to bed the whole weekend.

I didn’t have “an easy” first few months postpartum as you can see but I did feel like it was easier due to the friends and family that helped me.

To new moms I would say really listen to the sleep advice and don’t worry what society might say you “should” do. No one cares how fast you lose weight or if you have a spotless house. And always ASK for help.

Do you have any tips on how you got more sleep with a newborn? WP_20150930_001



You Know you’re a Mommy When…

You know you’re a mommy when…

You wipe a runny nose with your sleeve because you can’t reach a boogie wipe or Kleenex.

let your child rub he runny nose all over your pants and let it sit.

That you don’t mind the smell of breast milk on your shirt or bra.

That you go in to feed your child as soon as he cries because you want extra a sleep.

Or for that matter can’t go back to sleep after your child let you sleep 5.5 hours because you feel too rested!

Your child smiles melt your heart even if it is after an hour of trying to get him back to bed.

you feel comforted knowing your son woke because he pooped after he just slept an hour. At least you have a reason now!

Your “me time” is an hour at the gym enjoying Zumba while you son is at the gym day care.

Your goal for the day is to give your son two good naps so he doesn’t almost fall asleep in his high chair at 5pm which is way too early for bedtime.

Oh and that you wipe up something on the floor with your sock on your foot and call it good.

Now can you include your own! That all happened in the last week with my son and it reminds me of how much motherhood changes you.



My little man is almost done with his 6th tooth and he is two weeks away from being 8 months old. I am praying that this is a good thing for his teeth to be coming in fast so that I get over the teething pain and symptoms.

What do you do to help your baby teeth?

I have used essential oils. Tylenol only twice. Nursing. And a lot of cuddling with patience from me. Oh and Sophie the Giraffe is wonderful and teething packets.

Any other ideas? I will explain my ways in more details later because I hear my little man waking up.

The Wonder of a Clean House

Today I came home from MOPs to a beautifully clean home. I have a cleaning company come in once a month just to help with some of the deep cleaning so I can have more time to focus on my little man.

The newness of entering a clean home is because today was the first time I was away while it was cleaned. It was different walking into a clean home when you left it with dog paw prints all through the entry way, beds unmade, and dishes in the sink. But now the entry looks like the picture below. Let’s see how long it last!

Paw Print Free
Paw Print Free

It is always interesting to see how the cleaners reposition items in my house such as pillows, rugs, toys, swings, etc. This time they put almost all the pillows on one couch!

Oh soo many pillows
Oh soo many pillows

And just look how clean the carpet look.

Dog free carpet for like 15 minutes
Dog free carpet for like 15 minutes
Master bed
Our little man’s bed

And then lastly it was funny to see how they made both my little man’s bed and my bed. I am pretty sure they won’t be made this way again until next month.

I have learned that after a cleaning I have to reposition a few items. The main items are my rugs. They put the wrong rugs in the door way and in the laundry room but that is small thing to change compared to having to clean my whole house.

This frees my time up to cook dinner, do my laundry and hold my son while he sleeps this afternoon.

It was a relaxing afternoon but I know for sure that will bring paw prints, dog toys destuffed around the house, and food thrown from the high chair but for a short time it is clean.

What is your one item that you outsource so you can be a better wife, mother and homemaker?

Six Months of Motherhood

My little man is six months old today. Well technically not until 11:57 tonight but close enough. This time six months ago I will still trying to decide if I was in labor and today I am putting my happy little man down for a nap in his swing. Oh how fast life goes with a baby!

I remember holding David for the first time while he screamed just after he was born. I thought he was so small and beautiful. Totally dependent on my husband and I to help him adjust to this world. Now I hold David and he is squirming around evening while nursing to make sure he isn’t missing anything. He loves seeing everything in the world and discovering what it has to offer. It is so much fun to see him explore through his toys, walks, and talks. He is mobile without crawling. He is trying to feed himself and become more independent each day.

I know I am trying to treasure the time with him. I always thought I would love the first few months the best because they are completely dependent on you. They just cuddle in during and after feedings. They need you to keep them warm, singing them to sleep, and figure out what is wrong. I remember just holding my little man and loving that time. After just six months I have learned to treasure each stage/month and that I love each of them the same if not the new ones just a bit more.

My little man held his head up early because he wanted to look at the world. He started moving shortly after 3 months old (just a 180 degree move but still moving) and can now get any toy on the floor. He was interested in food at 3 months but now he gets some food to play with and try to eat each meal. He has had fun with the blueberries, banana, avocados, drumstick, carrots and apples. He used to just coo now he is babbling and laughing all the time. His smiles are infectious and light up a room. He only really played with toys on his play mat at 4 months and now he sits up to dump out his shape sorter and roll all over to get any toy. I leave a room and when I come back his halfway across it.

I can see signs of his personality. He loves figuring out how things work. So he has an engineering mind like his father. He has unbuckled his overalls, he has pulled toys off his play mat, and continues to try to figure out the buckle on his swing and car seat. He is a soft spoken man (might say soft crier). He is so much quieter than other babies around. He babbling is in such a sweet voice. He is so silly and loves to laugh at his mama and himself. I heard him just laughing in his room one morning. He also thinks his dad is funny. He is half extrovert and half introvert very much like his father. He likes people but usually smiles then buries his head in my shoulder. I am glad to see a lot of his father in him.

There are things I already want to teach him. I read books to him in hopes that he learns to love reading and develops his language. I want to teach him perseverance as he face plants to cry when a toy is just out of reach. I want to tell him stories to he knows where and who he comes from. And I want to teach him the love of the Lord so he can see the truth in my life.

I have had my struggles and my joys in the last six months. I struggled with breastfeeding the first month. I struggles with weighing all the professional opinions on babies and figuring out what works for David. We moved unexpectedly. We have traveled multiple times already. I fought for him to be on my schedule a few times and realized living with no expectations was the best. Finding joy in my easy baby as he sleeps so well, figured out nights early and is adaptable. And no matter how the night or day as gone each time I see his huge smile I love him more.

I am thankful for the blessing of my firstborn and looking forward to the next six months and many more years ahead of us.

Sorry for no pictures my computer was acting up plus my husband and I are trying to decide how many pictures of my little man we want on the internet. What are your memories of motherhood? Your joys and struggles?